Welcome to Johns Creek Solutions, formerly known as Software Craft. We are an SAP Business One partner focused on developing high quality add-on products and customizations for SAP Business One customers and partners. We have been working in the channel since 2006 and have developed solutions for a wide range of industries including:  Agriculture, Software Publishing, Video Rental, Import/Export, Food Distribution, Light Manufacturing, Warehouse Distribution, Multiple Restaurant Franchisee, Auto Parts, Food Trading, Aircraft Parts, Contractor Placement, Real Estate Property Management, and Service Business.

We are extremely proud to be the exclusive distributors of the SAP Business One Channel of the CIS Configurator for Business One, an innovative browser based graphical product configurator for use in many industries that provide build to order or Engineer to order products.

 For more information on the CIS Configurator go to

http://www.cisconfigurator.com/SAPB1.html or click on the CIS logo below.  Please contact us at info@johnscreeksolutions.com for a personal demonstration of the software.